CDP-D Displacement Transducer with dual ports 50 to 100mm
The CDP-D displacement transducer is the CDP displacement transducer with dual isolated I/O ports. For example, one set of input and output cables can be connected to an analog measuring instrument and the other set to a digital measuring instrument. With two different types of measuring equipment connected to this transducer, simultaneous measurements can be made without interference.
Protection ratings : IP 40 equivalent
- Features
- Measurement with two readout units
- High precision, High output
- Excellent response
- Easy handling
Type Capacity Rated output Sensitivity
(×10-6 strain/mm)Non-
rangeCDP-50-D 50 mm 5 mV/V
(10000×10-6 strain)
±0.1 %200 0.1 %RO -10 to +60 ℃
(no condensation)CDP-100-D 100 mm 100 Output polarity
Measurement moves in the minus direction when the shaft is pushed inward.
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