
These gauges can be used in temperature up to 800°C for both static and dynamic measurement. However, owing to the construction of the sensing element, measurement is recommended in temperature at 600°C or above. The sensing part has half bridge configuration with active element and dummy element, and it is measured in full bridge method using the attached temperature compensation circuit board. Since these gauges have small backings and thin sleeves and cables as standard specifications, they are applicable to narrow and/or curved areas. 

Main object material  Metal 
Operational temperature  -196 to +800℃ 
Temperature compensation range  RT to +800℃ 
Bonding adhesive  Spot welding (TML spot welder W-50R is required) 
Backing  Inconel 600 
Element  Special alloy 
Strain limit  1%(10000×10-6 strain) 
Fatigue life at room temperature  1×106(±1000×10-6  strain) 
  • Specifications

    Type  A B C
    AWHU-5 3 10 22
    AWHU-8 3 16 16
    Type  Gauge 
    Gauge base  Test specimen  Resistance in (Ω) 
    Dimensions (mm)  Materials 
    AWHU-5-9AKM-2(6F)-12.7 5 L10×W3×T0.8 Inconel 600  Inconel 600 equivalent  60
    AWHU-8-9AKM-2(6F)-12.7 8 L16×W3×T0.8 120

    *Each package contains one strain gauge. 
    *Other cable length available on request  
     (Made to order by every 1 m for MI cable and by every 0.5 m for vinyl cable)