AWC-8B Quarter bridge with 3-wire method (G.F. 2.1 approx.)

These strain gauges have hermetically sealed construction with the sensing element encapsulated in the stainless steel tube. This construction helps to simplify the coatings for moisture and water proofing, and the strain gauges are suited to strain measurement for long term and/or in harsh environment.

Main object material Metal
Operational temperature -20 to +100℃
Temperature compensation range AWC-8B: +10 to +100℃
Bonding adhesive Spot welding (TML spot welder W-50R is required)
Backing SUS304
Element Special alloy
Strain limit 0.5% (5000 x 10-6 strain)
Fatigue life at room temperature 1 x 106 (±1000 x 10-6 strain)