Data logger in general FAQ

  • What is the accuracy ±(0.05% rdg + 1digit) as given in the data logger specifications?

    rdg → reading. (display value)
    e.g. 20,000 ± 0.05%
    The reading is then in a range from 19,990 to 20,010. A 1digit error is added to this range.
    For strain measurements, 1digit ≒ 1 × 10-6.

  • I want to use uninterruptible power supply (UPS). As long as it’s UPS, is anything okay?

    Use a synchronizing-type constant inverter system.
    Do not use non-synchronizing power supplies. Our data loggers use power supply frequency (50 Hz or 60 Hz) to cancel ham noise. Therefore, if a non-synchronizing power supply is used, the data may vary greatly.