Concrete Static Modulus of Elasticity Test

Concrete static modulus of elasticity test software DC-7972 for PC control Dynamic Strainmeter DC-004P

This software is used to determine the static modulus of elasticity of concrete by measuring load, strain, etc. using the PC control Dynamic Strainmeter DC -004P.
Sensors used repeatedly, such as load cells and compressometers, can be registered in advance to enable efficient calculation of the concrete static modulus of elasticity and other parameters.
The software complies with JIS A 1149 Test Method for Static Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete.

PCコントロール型動ひずみ測定器DC-004P用 コンクリート静弾性係数試験ソフトウェア DC-7972
  • Compressive strength, static modulus of elasticity and Poisson's ratio can be calculated and printed from measured values.
  • TEDS sensor compatible, CSV data storage possible.
  • Selection of pre-registered sensors allows the input of data for each test to be omitted.
  • Dynamic strain measurement ensures that peak values are not missed.
  • System configuration

    OS / PC / Interface / Protection key

    Compatible measuring instruments PC control Dynamic Strainmeter DC-004P


    OS Microsoft Windows 7(SP1)/8.1
    PC A CD drive that meets the specifications recommended by the above operating systems
    Interface  USB 2.0 (2 ports)
    Protection key USB dongle