Low Capacity Acceleration Transducer

ARM-A-T Small Tri-axial Acceleration Transducer 100 to 400m/s2

This is a tri-axial acceleration transducer for the fields of machines, vehicles, shipbuilding, civil works and architcture.

Protection ratings : IP 61 equivalent

ARM-A-T Small Tri-axial Acceleration Transducer
  • The world's smallest and lightest class transducer of strain gauge type
  • 1/2 in weight and volume compared with our conventional transducers
  • Identical gravity position for 3 axes
  • Easy handling
  • Specifications

    Type Capacity Rated output Non-linearity Temperature range
    ARM-A-T X direction 100 m/s2 Approx. 0.5 mV/V
    (1000x10-6 strain)
    1 %RO -10 to +60 ℃
    Y direction 100 m/s2
    Z direction 400 m/s2

    Output polarity

    Measurement moves in the plus direction when acceleration occurs in the acceleration transducer itself toward the “+” mark on the casing.

ARF-A Low capacity Acceleration Transducer 10 to 500m/s2 CE

The ARF-A acceleration transducer is used to measure the acceleration of structures subject to vibration such as machines, vehicles, ships, civil engineering structures, buildings, and so forth. It is small and lightweight and can make measurement from DC level.

Protection ratings : IP 61 equivalent

  • Measurement from DC level
  • Compact
  • Easy to install
  • Specifications

    Type Capacity Rated output Non-linearity Temperature range
    ARF-10A 10 m/s2 Approx. 0.5 mV/V (1000x10-6 strain) 1 %RO -10 to +50 ℃
    ARF-20A 20 m/s2
    ARF-50A 50 m/s2
    ARF-100A 100 m/s2
    ARF-200A 200 m/s2
    ARF-500A 500 m/s2

    Output polarity

    Measurement moves in the plus direction when acceleration occurs in the acceleration transducer itself toward the “+” mark on the casing.

ARF-A-T Low capacity Tri-axial Acceleration Transducer 20 to 500m/s2CE

The ARF-A-T acceleration transducer measures acceleration in three directions (X, Y and Z) simultaneously. It is small and lightweight and can make high-accuracy measurement with the least interference.

Protection ratings : IP 61 equivalent

ARF-A-T Low capacity Tri-axial Acceleration Transducer
  • Simultaneous measurement in 3 directions
  • Easy to install
  • Specifications

    Type Capacity Rated output Non-linearity Temperature range
    ARF-20A-T 20 m/s2 Approx. 0.5 mV/V (1000x10-6 strain) 1 %RO -10 to +50 ℃
    ARF-50A-T 50 m/s2
    ARF-100A-T 100 m/s2
    ARF-200A-T 200 m/s2
    ARF-500A-T 500 m/s2

    Output polarity

    Measurement moves in the plus direction when acceleration occurs in the acceleration transducer itself toward the “+” mark on the casing.

ARH-A Waterproof Low capacity Acceleration Transducer 10 to 500m/s2CE

The ARH-A acceleration transducer has a waterproof structure. It can be installed in water or ground or embedded in concrete. The waterproof structure makes this transducer suitable for use in an adverse environment or for outdoor use.

Protection ratings : IP 67 equivalent

防水型低容量加速度計 ARH-A
  • Resistant to 500kPa water pressure
  • Measurement from DC level
  • Compact
  • Easy handling
  • Specifications

    Type Capacity Rated output Non-linearity Temperature range
    ARH-10A 10 m/s2 Approx. 0.5 mV/V (1000x10-6 strain) 1 %RO -10 to +50 ℃
    ARH-20A 20 m/s2
    ARH-50A 50 m/s2
    ARH-100A 100 m/s2
    ARH-200A 200 m/s2
    ARH-500A 500 m/s2

    Output polarity

    Measurement moves in the plus direction when acceleration occurs in the acceleration transducer itself toward the “+” mark on the casing.